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My Chelation/Anti-viral/Supplement Story

I developed asthma after a flu shot I received several years ago. Ironically, having asthma puts me in a "high risk" category, so I am *supposed* to have a flu shot each year, altho there is NO WAY I would ever agree to another one!

I had to use inhalers and daily medication to keep my asthma under control. At one point, I was choking and gasping for air so severely that the doctors and nurses thought I had SARS. But the antibiotic they gave me did nothing. I eventually traced it to milk, corn, and red food dye. I eliminated those for a while, added some supplements, then added the foods back with an appropriate enzyme, and the asthma was gone, altho the foods now caused acne and a stuffy nose/congestion, which I was able to live with. The supplements I used to eliminate my asthma problem were fish oil, B vitamins, olive leaf extract, vitamin C, selenium, and digestive enzymes. The olive leaf extract also eliminated my seasonal allergies, prevented colds and flu a few winters ago, and is eliminating a few warts I have had for a while.

Since then, I have added in other supplements. I have to take almost all of my supplements at night, because they cause me to fall asleep, one time even while driving! So, I use them as sleeping pills, replacing the NyQuil I previously took each night so I could sleep. And, the B vitamins and several other supplements cause yeast for me, giving me a whopper of a headache, so I take them with two tablets of GSE. But, this combination does seem to be helping me function better during the day.

I had been taking enzymes for quite a while, to address food problems. They did not address all food problems, but my reaction to those foods changed over time. At first, food problems would cause gut issues [primarily diarrhea], asthma, severe headaches, and a few other nasties. After I added those other supplements, the problems caused by the foods that enzymes did not address for me, was basically that I had nasty acne if I ate those foods. However, nitrates still caused massive headaches that would last for three days, so I continue to avoid those like the plague.

I had 8 amalgam dental fillings in my mouth. I had the bottom ones removed over two visits in March 2006, and the top ones removed over two visits in August 2006. I used a regular dentist, who did not use any of the recommended precautions, but I took all the supplements I listed above, plus milk thistle, and I never had any problems.

I have added in several other supplements, most of them are the supplements that were helpful for my kids. I started taking ALA shortly after my last amalgams were removed, in August 2006. I am using the 3x per day protocol that was effective for my kids. Improvements and changes I have noted since starting ALA:

I still have to take most of my supplements at night, with the exception of milk thistle which seems to give me energy. At first, I could take minerals during the day, but after a while, that one ended up causing me to be sleepy also.

I have had to eat all foods with No-Fenol enzyme [the other enzymes were optional, No-Fenol has been required for almost 3 years], otherwise I have had problems. Now, I can skip the No-Fenol occasionally, without any of the usual negative effects [headache, coughing, acne, sleep issues, etc].

I no longer have an acne issue whenever I eat something that the enzymes do not fully address. Right now I have a low level blackhead issue, but this is much improved over the major blackheads and cystic acne/whiteheads I have had in the past from food issues. Even tho I don't always take my No-Fenol, I have not had a cystic whitehead for the past month. I have also been able to reduce the decongestant I have had to use for the past year or so.

I no longer have to take my supplements with GSE! I started getting headaches in the middle of the night, which had meant yeast in the past, so I would take another GSE tablet [which worked in the past], but I would wake up with a worse headache than before. So I reduced the nightly GSE to one tablet, which worked for about a month. Then I reduced it to just taking Candidase and probiotics with the nightly supplements, and that worked for about a month. Now, taking Candidase or probiotics will cause a bad bacteria headache. No more yeast problems!

On December 24, I ate an apple fritter for breakfast. I have not had sugar in the morning, especially on an empty stomach, for several years, because it has been a guarantee of a severe yeast issue, including the massive yeast headache I would get. But this time, no headache!

For a Christmas party I attended, I ate a homemade chicken and rice soup. It was WONDERFUL! So, I went back for a second bowl. About half-way thru the second bowl, I noticed bacon bits in the soup. This was a major nasty find, because bacon, having nitrates, was guaranteed to give me a 3-day massive headache, which I was *not* looking forward to. But, no headache! Since then, I have challenged nitrates in other small amounts, without any problems. Still don't have the nerve to challenge with something as large as a regular hot dog or sandwich meat, but small amounts of bacon in other recipes have not been a problem at all. [I do use No-Fenol for these challenges.]

The vitamin C, OLE, and Virastop are addressing warts and other virus issues. I have had the occasional wart on my hands, and plantar warts on my feet, which are flaring and then disappearing.

The last cold I had, I caught from others in an office where I teach law students a few afternoons per week. Everyone was sick for about 10 days. I had an itchy nose for about 36 hours.

Anxiety over new situations is much reduced from where it has been before. This is probably the biggest "non-physical" improvement that I have noticed.

April 2007 Update

I started having pain in my kidney area, which was confusing to me because I thought ALA excreted metals thru the bm, not the urine/kidney. After posting this experience on a message board, it was recommended that I take a multi-mineral supplement. After I added that, no more pain in that area.

I ran out of my No-Fenol enzyme, but instead of panicking and calling in an overnight order, I decided to see what would happen. I don't have major nasty coughing or stomach cramps and diarrhea, which is nice. I do have a slightly more stuffy nose, and a slight increase in acne, altho not the cystic acne that I had before.

All my supplements, except ALA, still make me sleepy, so I still have to take them in the evening. There are a few that I can take first thing when I wake up in the morning and be okay, but not most of them.

August 2007 Update

I have been chelating myself with ALA for one year now.

I found that taking apple cider vinegar before lunch eliminated the overwhelming fatigue I felt after eating lunch. I never had the fatigue after breakfast or dinner, but after lunch it was awful. But not any more. Interestingly, in the last few days, I have not taken the vinegar and I am still okay after lunch, so I might not need it any more.

I no longer need enzymes of any kind, altho a few foods still cause minor symptoms. Nothing major tho, which is nice. Prior to this time, if I ate anything high phenol without No-Fenol enzyme, I had major problems.

I can take most supplements in the morning and mid-day, the mid-day ones required the apple cider vinegar until just a few days ago. Prior to this time, taking supplements in the morning or mid-day caused me to fall asleep.

Certain foods, like ice cream, caused problems unless I ate them with certain supplements. Ice cream required mito cocktail. At first, without mito cocktail, ice cream caused major asthma, mouth sores, and cystic acne. Now, if I forget the mito cocktail, it just causes minor acne.

I learned that the kidney pain was caused specifically by deficiency of calcium, potassium, selenium, and molybdenum. Deficiency of these minerals also caused neck stiffness and cracking, and difficulty standing up straight. ALA apparently pulls those minerals.

Current supplements I am taking include ALA, minerals, mito cocktail and fish oil, B100, mB12, extra folic acid and carnitine, creatine, vitamin C, lysine. I no longer need any of the fat soluble vitamins [A, D, E, K], they will cause headaches if I take them. I also no longer need yeast control or probiotics.

My asthma is gone, my seasonal allergies are gone, and most of my food issues are gone.

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